Good Question... And every year we ask all students to enter the National Flag Day Foundation Essay contest to answer this question. Keeping the traditions alive of Bernard Cigrand, teaching in a one room schoolhouse in Waubeka, WI where Flag Day was Born in 1885 . It is inspiring to read these essays that give hope for the future. The winning essays are published on our website-- you may enjoy reading the thoughtful patriotic expressions of our winners...
It occurred to me, that as an adult deeply committed to the Flag Day Foundation, I haven't really answered "the" question.... So here it goes:
What does the American Flag Mean to Me--- Yes, the Red, White & Blue, is filled with symbolism, honor and history... The Flag has been around the world during battle, loss, & victory! It flies to acknowledge key celebrations, events, fallen heroes, & prominent deaths... However, to me it is represents an overwhelming feeling-- Blessed to be an American! I grew up during a time and in a house where everyday a homemade family dinner was served at 6 p.m. with 100 percent family participation. Lively open discussions and debates where welcome and considered; covering daily events, world viewpoints, financial situations, friends, boyfriends, projects, pets... the workings that make up life and a family.. We were blessed to have what we needed, faith & love. It was considered a priviledge to be an American and have the freedom to strive to create our own American Dream. I was personally blessed to have a Dad that filled my head with lofty goals, desire, and the belief that I could accomplish it all! I thank him in heaven everyday for giving me an open heart and the foundation for success. And because of that--every time I see the Flag that he loved waving against an American sky..I am filled by the beauty and power of the Stars & Stripes.